Expert-Project Matchmaker

Challenge: Large corporates turn to a platform of innovation experts to provide outside perspective, capacity and expertise on high value projects set to transform their companies.  This platform is challenged to surface the best-fit experts for the varied, unique projects their corporate partners present. With extensive recordings and information about each expert, there is a wealth of data to consider, which – while a blessing – can also be overwhelming and time consuming to sift through.

Solution: GoLLM is now posed to augment this expert-project matchmaking process.  By digesting the huge library of expert content in a secure and high-resolution manner, we are able to leverage the power of LLMs to identify the most relevant experts from the platform’s network for each corporate project.

Benefit: saving time and energy and adding objectivity in performing this task.

Industry/Category: Consulting, Project Management, Human Resources


Digital Librarian


Medical Care Plan Automation