Medical Care Plan Automation

Challenge: A local Edinburgh dentistry office confided that their dentists sometimes spend equal time meeting with their patients and writing up the corresponding dental care plans after the visit concludes. This administrative task, while necessary, is typically not the motivation behind dentists choosing their profession.  Time consuming, lower value than actual patient care, dentists are hungry for automated support.

Solution: GoLLM is working with sample audio recordings of patient-dentist conversations and resultant dental procedure plans to streamline this process.  Steps include transcribing the audio, extracting the key features from the conversation - as per the dental care plan template - and populate them into an individualised draft care plan accordingly.

Benefit: we aim to free up the medical professionals to focus most of their effort on the high-value tasks for which they received their training to achieve higher career satisfaction and fulfilment. This time saving also enables more patient appointments per day, and thus higher revenue generation.

Industry/Category: Medical, Documentation, Audio


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