Digital Librarian

Challenge: A client that runs a ‘knowledge exchange platform’ has a library of rich video content comprising expansive and free-flowing, in-person expert discussions on topics of innovation, technology, and society.  A challenge for the client has been indexing/unlocking the many nuggets that arise during the episodes to make the insights more accessible for the public – both prospective, future attendees and for those who attended and wish to refer back to select sections of an episode.

Solution: GoLLM has created a Digital Librarian tool whereby users can input the topic of interest and the client’s entire library is investigated to unearth the top 2-3 most relevant conversational exchanges. Transcribed excerpts are presented along with hyperlinks to the exact video timestamps of interest, across all recorded episodes.

Benefit: In this way, new attendees and viewers are attracted to the client’s events and recordings, and more value is delivered to existing attendees – promoting community engagement, growth (revenue from increased event attendance and online advertisements), and retention.

Industry/Category: Creative, Publishing, Content


Automated Report Generator


Expert-Project Matchmaker